TAEDP speech concerning the death penalty
Feb. 26, 2013 (中文版本)
Good morning,
My name is Lin Hsin-yi and I’m the director of the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty. I’m going to talk about the current situation in Taiwan in terms of the death penalty. If you have any questions afterward, I am more than happy to provide information, and so are Li Yang-huang, our board member, and Weng Kuo-yen, one of our lawyers.
專責「法外處決、草率及任意處決」的聯合國特別報告員(the Special Rappourteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions)克里斯多夫・海恩斯 (Christof Heyns)在最近一次報告中指出,全球各國使用死刑的情形趨緩,目前193個聯合國會員國中,只有50個仍維持死刑,其餘皆已廢除或停止執行死刑。但即便如此,全球仍至少有18,000個待決死囚,因許多國家死刑資訊不透明,數字恐怕更高。