A Brief Introduction to a Buddhist View of the Death Penalty
Jin-ker WEN *
Buddhism has had great influence in the history of Asia. Buddhist doctrines are still deeply rooted in people’s minds. According to research conducted in Taiwan, Buddhist scriptures reflect a clear and strong attitude against the death penalty. Historically Buddhist teachings have had a substantial impact on penalty policy in a number of countries. Given the current trend to abolish the death penalty promoted by international human rights groups, Buddhism can provide traditional thought and faith-based resources to urge those Asian countries where the death penalty has not yet been abolished to reflect upon their use of this form of punishment.
不管你覺的應不應該「慶祝」,10月10日是中華民國的國慶日;不過,對世界上其他人來說,10月10日有其他更重要的意義:10月10日是世界反死刑日 (World Day Against the Death Penalty)。
World Day 的由來
2001年6月21日,由法國NGO「一起反對死刑(Together Against the Death Penalty)」主辦的第一屆世界反死刑會議(First World Congress Against the Death Penalty),在法國南部、也是歐洲人權法院所在地的史特拉斯堡舉行。會後,所有與會代表發表了史特拉斯堡宣言(Strasbourg Declaration);根據宣言的內容,2002年5月,60多個非政府組織、律師公會、草根的工會和團體在羅馬成立了世界反死刑聯盟( the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, WCADP )。 2003年開始,世界反死刑聯盟推動每年10月10日為世界廢除死刑日;此外也持續舉辦每三年一次的世界反死刑大會(第二屆是2004在加拿大蒙特婁、第三屆是2007年在法國巴黎舉行)。