編按:2007年9月17日,喬瑟夫.霍夫曼 Joseph L. Hoffmann 教授應政大法學院刑事法學研究中心、政大法學院公法研究中心、成功大學法律系、輔大和平研究中心、廢除死刑推動聯盟之邀發表專題演講。演講的主題為「死刑廢除前,我們能做什麼?」。廢死聯盟並且翻譯「麻州州長死刑諮詢委員會的最終報告」供大家參考。(全文下載請見下方)
2003 was a year of many accomplishments in the field of judicial reform in Taiwan. In January, the case of the Hsichih Trio, which had been stuck in the courts for years, took a dramatic turn as the accused were found not guilty. In February, the newly amended Code of Criminal Procedure (刑事訴訟法) was promulgated and came into effect in September, formally incorporating the presumption of innocence into the articles of law.