✅ 民間司法改革基金會
《執行死刑規則》第3條第1項規定:「法務部令准死刑案件之執行後,應即函送最高檢察署轉送相關之高等檢察署或其檢察分署指派執行檢察官於三日內依法執行死刑。但執行檢察官發現案情確有合於再審、非常上訴之理由者,得於三日內電請法務部再加審核。」 依上開規定,縱使法務部長、總統皆已核准死刑執行令,但高檢署執行檢察官仍應審核案件的執行,是否有非常上訴之理由。如有理由,則應暫緩執行,請法務部再加審核。 依憲法法庭113年度憲判字第8號判決(下稱「憲判8」)意旨,包含黃麟凱在內的死刑犯得依該判決意旨,請求檢察總長提起非常上訴。從其判決意旨及精神,亦可知主管機關不得恣意執行。如於開啟救濟程序前逕為執行死刑,此即屬違反憲判8意旨、違法之執行。 對此,我們請求執行檢察官本於權責,以及忠於憲判8意旨之法律確信,依上開規則第3條第1項,暫停執行死刑,並請法務部再加審核本案之死刑執行。
✅ 人權公約施行監督聯盟、台灣人權促進會、國際人權聯盟共同聲明
國際人權聯盟(FIDH)及其會員組織台灣人權促進會(TAHR)和人權公約施行監督聯盟(Covenants Watch)強烈譴責台灣近期執行的死刑——這是賴清德總統於2024年5月20日上任後首例死刑執行。
FIDH、台灣人權促進會和人權公約施行監督聯盟表示,這次死刑執行與台灣政府承諾願意致力於遵守國際人權標準不符,並對賴總統是否有意推展廢除死刑提出嚴重質疑。 根據法務部說法,32歲黃麟凱於2025年1月16日晚間10點02分在台北看守所被槍決。黃麟凱因2013年10月1日發生於新北市三重區的案件,意即殺害前女友及謀殺其母親,於2017年被判處死刑。
儘管黃麟凱的辯護團隊向包括法務部、最高檢察署、台灣高等法院和憲法法庭在內等多個機構提出了最後時刻的暫緩執行請求,他仍遭到執行死刑。 黃麟凱的處決是台灣近五年來首例死刑執行。上次執行死刑是2020年4月1日,當時54歲的翁仁賢在台北看守所被單一執行者槍決。翁仁賢於2017年2月13日被判處死刑,罪名是於2016年2月7日農曆除夕在桃園市家中縱火燒死五名家庭成員及一名看護工。該次死刑執行是蔡英文總統任內第二次、也是最後一次執行,蔡總統於2016年至2024年期間在任。目前台灣仍有36名死囚。
FIDH、台灣人權促進會和人權公約施行監督聯盟呼籲台灣政府加強努力,朝向廢除死刑邁進,以全面落實國際審查委員會分別於2013年3月、2017年1月及2022年5月審查台灣落實《公民與政治權利國際公約》(ICCPR)情況後提出的建議。這些建議包括立即宣布暫停執行死刑、將所有死刑判決改為其他刑罰,以及將旨在廢除死刑的《公民與政治權利國際公約第二項任擇議定書》納入台灣的國內法律框架。 作為世界反死刑聯盟(WCADP)成員的 FIDH、台灣人權促進會和人權公約施行監督聯盟再次重申,無論任何罪行或情況,他們堅決反對死刑。
✅ 國際特赦組織台灣分會
2025 年 1 月 16 日,台灣執行了自 2020 年 4 月以來的首次死刑。國際特赦組織台灣分會秘書長邱伊翎對此表示:「這次的死刑執行是令人震驚且殘酷的發展。台灣的法務部長大筆一揮,毀了多年來為了廢除死刑得來不易的進展。這對台灣的人權來說是一個巨大的倒退。黃麟凱的處決違反了憲法和國際法中關於死刑使用的規範,而他的律師聲請最高檢察署檢察總長提出非常上訴的救濟程序尚在進行中。這使得對他的處決變得非法並且恣意,侵犯了生命權。令人震驚的是,死刑是在幾個小時前才通知要執行的,沒有讓家屬有任何探視的可能。死刑是殘酷且無法逆轉的懲罰,台灣執行死刑的方式完全無視那些會受影響者的權利。我們敦促台灣政府立即停止任何進一步執行死刑的計畫。相反地,台灣政府必須立即改變方向,正式暫停執行死刑,作為廢除死刑的關鍵第一步。」
✅ 亞洲反死刑網絡(Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network, ADPAN)
ADPAN statement on the execution of Huang Lin-Kai in Taiwan
Taiwan’s recent execution of Huang Lin-kai after a 5-year moratorium is a troubling step backward. ADPAN condemns this and urges Taiwan to become a beacon of rights in the Asia Pacific by abolishing the death penalty. Choose progress, not execution.
✅ 英國死刑專案(The Death Penalty Project, DPP)
PRESS RELEASE: The Death Penalty Project condemns Taiwan’s unlawful execution of Huang Lin-kai (黃麟凱)
Yesterday evening, at 10:02pm in Taiwan, Huang Lin-kai (黃麟凱) was executed summarily and unlawfully. He and his legal team were given less than four hours’ notice of his execution, which took place while an appeal was still pending – an indefensible disregard for the right to life and the due process of law enshrined in the Taiwanese Constitution.
Minister of Justice Cheng Ming-chien (鄭銘謙) signed the execution warrant earlier on the same day, 16 January. Mr Huang’s lawyers attempted to file an extraordinary appeal to halt the execution, raising grave concerns about the arbitrary and unlawful nature of the execution warrant. Shortly after, and without the opportunity for a family visit, Mr Huang was executed. He was made to lie face down and shot through the back of the heart at the Taipei Detention Centre.
The Ministry of Justice did not give a statement at the time of Mr Huang’s execution.
It had been nearly five years since Taiwan’s last execution in April 2020. This shocking setback marks the first execution carried out under President Lai Ching-te’s administration. Last year had seen positive steps towards restricting the use of capital punishment with the Constitutional Court ruling in September 2024 that the use of the death penalty was inconsistent with due process rights under the Constitution and international law.
While upholding Taiwan’s use of capital punishment, the judgment limited the death penalty to a narrow category of very serious cases and introduced procedural safeguards, including a requirement for the unanimity of judges at trial and at appeal. The Court invited the authorities to review the cases of all 37 people then under sentence of death and to file extraordinary appeals in cases where the safeguards and protections had not been provided.
At the time of Mr Huang’s execution, efforts were still being made by his legal team and civil society to determine whether judges had reached unanimous decisions in his case at trial and on appeal. He did not have a pre-trial social investigation, indicating a failure to comply with the procedural standards set out by the Court.
Mr Huang’s sudden execution was in violation of constitutional and international minimum safeguards on capital punishment and while an appeal to halt the execution was pending before the courts. To carry out a death sentence in these circumstances shows a total disregard for the rule of law and is arbitrary and in violation of the right to life.
This unlawful execution comes just four months into the two-year window in which the Government must reform the Criminal Procedure Code to comply with the Constitutional Court’s judgment. We stand with our longstanding partners, the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty(TAEDP), in condemning this flagrant abuse of human rights.
36 people are still on death row in Taiwan, their situation now more perilous than ever.
✅ 歐洲經貿辦事處 :https://reurl.cc/b3y00E
✅ 澳洲駐台辦事處 :https://reurl.cc/G5l7EW
✅ 德國在台協會 :https://reurl.cc/04yL1A
✅ 法國在台協會 :https://reurl.cc/p9V75Q
✅ 加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 :https://reurl.cc/nqRkrd
✅ 英國在台辦事處 :https://reurl.cc/96QMvY