The Asian NGO Summit to Abolish the Death Penalty, held from June 13 to June 15, has successfully concluded and has achieved consensus on a number of issues. The Asian NGO Summit was organized by the Anti-Death Penalty Asian Network (ADPAN) and included invitees from Australia, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Britain, France and the United States. In total, 25 regional or international NGO representatives participated. At the summit, the main issues included inter-regional cooperation over abolishing the death penalty, the upcoming Beijing Olympics, the impact of Islamic Law on the death penalty and UN Resolution 62/149, which was adopted on 18 December 2007.
廢除死刑推動聯盟舉辦【殺人影展murder by numbers】,今年已經是第二屆了。廢除死刑推動聯盟執行長林欣怡表示,「過往的死刑論辯,不管是贊成死刑或反對死刑,都太簡化了死刑這個問題」。贊成死刑的人,眼中只看到罪大惡極的兇手,卻沒有看到這個兇手背後的社會、教育、階級、不平等,甚至非常嚴重的司法品質問題而造成的冤案;而反對死刑的人,也應該要負起責任,提出回答,沒有死刑,那要有什麼?對於被害人的保障,我們應該還要努力更多。所以如何讓死刑存廢的運動不要停留在菁英層次理論的辯論,可以開啟更深入的公眾對話之可能性,讓社會大眾有機會思考「死刑」真面目,影展就是一個很好的方式。
2001年6月,共有52個國際NGO組織在Strasbourg 舉辦了第一屆世界廢除死刑大會,會中決定組成世界廢除死刑聯盟,希望促成所有國家都建立尊重生命而沒有死刑的社會。世界反死刑聯盟於2002年5月13日正式成立,並從2003年開始,訂定每年10月10日為「國際廢除死刑日(the World Day Against Death Penalty)。
今(2007)年6月18~19日舉行的歐盟理事會(European Union Council of Ministers)決定,要將中止(Moratorium)死刑的提案列入今年十月第62屆聯合國大會(UN General Assembly,UNGA)的議程之中。這個提案將會在10月8日所開始的聯合國大會第三委員會(社會、人道主義與文化委員會)討論。
今(2007)年6月18~19日舉行的歐盟理事會(European Union Council of Ministers) 中決定,要將廢除死刑的提案列入今年十月第62屆聯合國大會(UN General Assembly,UNGA)的議程之中。歐盟理事會的這個決議也馬上獲得世界反死刑聯盟(World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, WCADP)和國際特赦組織(Amnesty International, AI)的支持,進而發起了一個全球性的UNGA Campaign。
Press release on the World Day against Death Penalty
In June 2001, 52 international NGOs gathered in Strasbourg for the first World Congress Against the Death Penalty that adopted a resolution urging all countries to establish a society respecting life and without the death penalty. WCADP was born out of this campaign on May 13, 2002. People began to observe the World Day against Death Penalty on October 10.
Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP) held a press conference on the eve of the World Day against Death Penalty, observed on October 10 of each year, urging Taiwanese government to actively move towards abolition of the death penalty to demonstrate its commitment to join the rest of the world.
A worldwide campaign
European Union Council of Ministers met in June 16~18, 2007, and decided to include the issue of moratorium of the death penalty in the agenda of the 62nd UN General Assembly (UNGA). The proposal will be discussed at UNGA’s third (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) Committee starting October 8, 2007.