今天(10月10日)是世界反死刑日(World Day Against the Death Penalty),由廢除死刑推動聯盟、歐洲經貿辦事處、教育部人權教育議題輔導群、人本教育文教基金會、台灣人權促進會、東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心共同召開記者會,宣佈【看見生命的顏色~「認識死刑」種子教師培訓工作坊 】的開始,並且公開簽署【支持廢除青少年犯的死刑判決及執行 】的國際連署。
10th October, 7th World Day Against the Death Penalty
Press Release
See the Color of Life
Understanding the Death Penalty
Today is the World Day Against the Death Penalty. Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟), European Economic and Trade Office (歐洲經貿辦事處), Human Rights Education Curriculum and Instruction Team (教育部人權教育議題輔導群), Humanistic Education Foundation (人本教育文教基金會), Taiwan Association for Human Rights (台灣人權促進會) and Chang Fo-Chuan Human Rights Study Center of Soochow University (東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心) jointly host the press conference. In the conference, representatives of above groups inaugurate the seed-teacher empowerment workshop: “See the Color of Life: Understanding the Death Penalty ” and sign the global petition “Appeal for the End of Execution of Children in the World ”. (Chinese Version is here )
Nicolas Baudouin / Policy Officer of European Economic and Trade Office
Statement for Death penalty 2009 (中文版 )
Let me first welcome you and thank you for your participation in today's workshop. I'd also like to congratulate Taiwan coalition to end the death penalty for designing and organizing this event. I will just say a few words to outline the issue of the abolition of the death penalty before the discussions start.
As you know, in the world today there are many NGOs holding seminars in the framework of the World Day against the death penalty. Taiwan alliance to end the death penalty is a well known and recognized organization on this matter. The European Economic and Trade Office is one of the sponsors of this workshop.
World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (WCADP) is seriously alarmed by the threat of death sentences made by Chinese officials in Urumqi following recent unrest in Urumqi. This threat by the Chinese officials not only indicates the lack of rule of law in China but is also detrimental to the alleviation of tension between Han Chinese and Uyghur. It also violates the core values and spirit of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that China has signed and repeatedly stated its intention to ratify as well as the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) which China has ratified.
Therefore, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty (WCADP), representing member organizations, urges: