In 2007, at least 1252 people were executed in 24 countries; 528 people are killed in Asia.
In 2006, at least 1,591 people were executed in 25 countries; China alone executed at least 1010 people.
Asia is the No. 1 executioner in the world.
But does the death penalty make Asia a better part of the world?
The answer is NO!
Asia, it's time to end the executions!
Let us live in a better world, in a world without the death penalty…
TAIPEI, Taiwan –– The Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP) and three European offices in Taiwan will organize a series of activities in early November to encourage the abolition of the death penalty and help advance the debate on the issue in Taiwan, the alliance said Friday.
One of the centerpiece events will be a seminar Nov. 6-7 called “New Perspectives on Abolishing the Death Penalty, “ organized by the TAEDP and the German Institute in Taipei.
German scholars will discuss the issue from different perspectives, such as the relationship between the abolition of the death penalty and social safety, victim protection and prison reform.
NEW PERSPECTIVES: Saying that the Criminal Code calls for re-educating and reforming prisoners, not killing them, the alliance seeks an end to the death penalty in Taiwan
The Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty and three European offices in Taiwan will organize a series of activities early next month to encourage the abolition of the death penalty and help advance the debate on the issue.
One of the centerpiece events will be a seminar on Nov. 6 and Nov. 7 called “New Perspectives on Abolishing the Death Penalty,” organized by the alliance and the German Institute in Taipei, the alliance said on Friday.
German academics will discuss the issue from a variety of perspectives such as the relationship between the abolition of the death penalty and social safety, victim protection and prison reform.
The Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP) held a concert on the Double Ten holiday yesterday to mark the World Day Against the Death Penalty, intended to raise public support for its campaign against capital punishment.
Individual singers and rock bands began performances at around 3:30pm in a small performance hall in Kaohsiung City.
Behind the bands, a message read: The death penalty must be abolished in Taiwan.
“Abolishing the death penalty is actually a global trend,” TAEDP executive director Lin Hsin-yi (林欣怡) told the Taipei Times in a phone interview.
During the General Assembly meeting last year, the UN decided to take a more active role in ending executions by adopting a “moratorium on the use of the death penalty.”
10月10日是中華民國的國慶日;不過,對世界上大部分的人來說,10月10日有其他更重要的意義:10月10日是國際廢除死刑日 (World Day Against the Death Penalty)。台灣要成為亞洲的人權標竿國家、台灣要成為國際人權的楷模,停止死刑執行甚至廢除死刑,都是必經之路。在此,廢除死刑推動聯盟提出以下的呼籲:
2008 World Day Against the Death Penalty 第六屆國際廢除死刑日新聞稿
10月10日是中華民國的國慶日;不過,對世界上大部分的人來說,10月10日有其他更重要的意義:10月10日是國際廢除死刑日 (World Day Against the Death Penalty)。
觀察一下世界死刑版圖,目前全世界已經有137個國家廢除死刑,只有60個國家還維持死刑制度,但即便維持死刑制度,2006年只有25個國家執行死刑(亞洲就佔了10個),2007年有24個國家執行死刑(亞洲佔了8個);亞太地區的41個國家或區域中,目前還有14個國家維持死刑制度;以每年死刑執行人數來看,亞洲的確「領先」其他洲,站穩「第一名」。因此,今年國際廢除死刑日,全世界將焦點放在亞洲,主題定為【 亞洲:廢止死刑,時候到了!(Asia: it’s time to end executions!)】。
不管你覺的應不應該「慶祝」,10月10日是中華民國的國慶日;不過,對世界上其他人來說,10月10日有其他更重要的意義:10月10日是世界反死刑日 (World Day Against the Death Penalty)。
World Day 的由來
2001年6月21日,由法國NGO「一起反對死刑(Together Against the Death Penalty)」主辦的第一屆世界反死刑會議(First World Congress Against the Death Penalty),在法國南部、也是歐洲人權法院所在地的史特拉斯堡舉行。會後,所有與會代表發表了史特拉斯堡宣言(Strasbourg Declaration);根據宣言的內容,2002年5月,60多個非政府組織、律師公會、草根的工會和團體在羅馬成立了世界反死刑聯盟( the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, WCADP )。 2003年開始,世界反死刑聯盟推動每年10月10日為世界廢除死刑日;此外也持續舉辦每三年一次的世界反死刑大會(第二屆是2004在加拿大蒙特婁、第三屆是2007年在法國巴黎舉行)。