《週日早上的謀殺案 Un coupable ideal》
片名:週日早上的謀殺案 Un coupable idéal
導演:尚薩維耶 雷德斯塔德 (Jean-Xavier de Lestrade)
2000年5月7日,在美國佛羅里達州Jacksonville市的一家旅館停車場,65歲婦人瑪莉安(Mary Ann Stephens)在她丈夫面前遭到射殺,頭部中槍身亡。一個半小時後,15歲少年布蘭頓(Brenton Butler)遭到逮捕。所有證據都指向他:瑪莉安的丈夫,身為唯一目擊者,指認他就是兇手;而布蘭頓也簽下認罪自白書。
對報導這起謀殺案的媒體和調查人員來說,這只是一個糟蹋青春的少年、另一個虛擲的生命。但當這個案件到了律師派翠克(Patrick McGuinnes)手上,他發現其中並不尋常。布蘭頓重申自己是清白的,他指出臉上及喉嚨上的瘀青,表示警察打他、強迫他認罪。而對他施暴的,正是Jacksonville市警長Nat Glover的兒子。
A 65 years old woman was shot in front of her husband at a parking lot of a hotel. A 15 year-old-boy, Breton Butler, was arrested one and an half hours later. All evidence showed that this boy was the murderer. Breton signed the confession as well.
For media press and detectives, Breton was simply another young man who made his own life wasted. However, lawyer Patrick McGuinnes found there was something wrong in this case.
Breton claimed that he was innocent, he pointed out the bruises on his face and body, and which showed that the police beat him and forced him to confess.
Was Breton guilty? Lawyer Patrick was about to trigger a legal fight for Breton’s innocence.