
2024-10-05 09:00   至   2024-10-06 17:00 加入 Google 行事曆
2024-09-12 12:00   至   2024-10-06 17:00



Let There Be Light at the End of Darkness: The Next Step for Taiwan After the Abolition of the Death Penalty


在 「死刑存廢」是光譜的兩個極端嗎?











本研討會邀請到重要的國際專家前來分享,並邀請國內實務工作者、相關單位及學者共同與會,針對死刑釋憲之後的重要議題進行交流與討論。 籌備研討會的過程,釋憲結果尚未明朗,廢死聯盟彷彿蒙著眼睛,只能臨深履薄地前進,但我們期待拿掉矇住眼睛的那層紗之後,可以看見黑暗盡頭的光,期待透過深度討論,能讓我們看清未來的路徑。

Regardless of the outcome of the constitutional litigation is disappointing, Taiwan cannot stop there. There are existing issues that need to be discussed and new challenges that need to be overcome. The death penalty system in Taiwan will not remain unchanged.

This conference brings together international experts, especially those from countries that have abolished the death penalty, to share their experiences, and experts to exchange views on prison treatment, rehabilitation, and alternative penalties in hope of helping Taiwan take the next step in abolishing the death penalty. 



國際研討會資訊 The International Conference  


Date: 9:00-17:00, October 5th-6th, 2024


Venue: International Conference Hall, Lin Tse Building, College of Law, National Taiwan University


Organizer: Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty


Co-organizers: Amnesty International Taiwan, Covenants Watch, European Economic and Trade Office, German Institute in Taipei, French Office in Taipei, British Office in Taipei


Sponsors: European Union, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

▋研討會主題 Highlights

#重刑犯監所處遇 #更生與復歸 #社會修復 #死刑犯家屬 #死刑釋憲之後 #廢死趨勢與他國經驗

Prison reform, Re-entry and rehabilitation, Social restorative justice, Family members of death row prisoners, Constitutional litigation, Global trend of abolition, Expereince sharing 


國際貴賓 International Experts:

⬥ 芭芭拉.洛赫畢勒︱國際反死刑委員會委員、聯合國強迫失蹤問題委員

Barbara LochbihlerCommissioner of International Commission against the Death Penalty (ICDP), member of UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances


Asunta Vivó CavallerCo-executive director of ICDP


Rajiv NarayanCo-executive director of ICDP

⬥ 吉妮.沃芙德︱美國加州聖昆汀監獄前典獄長、獄政及矯正政策專家

Jeanne WoodfordFormer warden of St. Quentin Prison, California, USA

⬥ 約翰娜.席密德︱德國泰格爾監獄社會治療部門主任

Johanna Schmid︱Head of the social therapeutic institution in the Tegel prison, Berlin, Germany

⬥ 廖琳︱世界反死刑聯盟執行長

Aurelie PlacaisDirector of World Coalition Against the Death Penalty

⬥ 雷紹爾︱英國死刑專案執行長

Saul LehrfreundExecutive Director and Founder of The Death Penalty Project

⬥ 黃齊芹︱美國民權律師、Justice First公益法律事務所創辦人

Jenny Chi-Chin HuangCivil rights lawyer, Founder of Justice First, USA





▋議程 Agenda:


Day 1- 2024 年10月5日(六)

時間 Time

議程 Session

講者 Speakers

9:00- 9:30

報到 Registration


Emcee:PAN Yi︱Campaign Manager of Amnesty International Taiwan

9:30- 9:40


Welcome Remark


LIN Hsinyi ∣ Executive Director, TAEDP

9:40- 10:20


Opening Ceremony


Speakers from the host organization, co-organizers and distinguished guests

- 谷力哲∣歐洲經貿辦事處處長

Lutz GÜLLNER∣Head of the European Economic and Trade Office

- 何  峰∣德國在台協會副處長

Andreas HOFEM∣Deputy Director General of the German Institute Taipei

- 鄧元翰︱英國在台辦事處代表

John DENNIS∣Representative of the British Office Taipei

-陸明莉∣ 法國在臺協會副主任

Clea LE CARDEUR∣Deputy Director of the French Office in Taipei

- 王幼玲∣國家人權委員會副主委

WANG Yu-Ling∣Vice Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission

- 邱伊翎∣國際特赦組織台灣分會秘書長

CHIU Eeling∣National Director of the Amnesty International Taiwan

- 張娟芬∣台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟理事長

CHANG Chuan-fen∣Chairperson of the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty

10:20- 10:45


Keynote Speech



Moderator: KAO Yang-huei︱Attorney-at-law, Board member of TAEDP, Board member of AI Taiwan

講者:芭芭拉.洛赫畢勒︱ 國際反死刑委員會委員、聯合國強迫失蹤問題委員會委員、前歐洲議會議員

Barbara LOCHBIHLER∣Commissioner of ICDP, member of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances, former member of the European Parliament (2009-2019)

10:45- 10:55

舞蹈 Dance

【微光】Dim Light


No matter how small the light is, as long as it is lit, the night will not be completely swallowed by darkness.




Li-Mei CHUNG︱Dancer

Yogi CHAN︱Choreographer, Dancer


休息 Break

11:10- 12:40

研討場次一 Seminar 1


Prison treatment of prisoners serving long-term incarceration


What else can we do besides isolating felons from the rest of the world? TAEDP initiated “the Project of Interviews with Death Row and Life Sentence Prisoners" at the end of 2021. Following the release of an interim report in 2023, we have compiled and analyzed the key findings to share with the public. In hope of letting the society understand the prison conditions, and the prisoners’ changes over the years in incarceration.



Moderator: HUANG Yibee︱Executive Director of Covenants Watch



Rapporteur: HUANG Songlih︱Director of Human Rights Policy Center, Covenants Watch; Professor of Institute of Public Health, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University



- 吉妮.沃芙德∣美國前典獄長、獄政及矯正政策專家

Jeanne WOODFORD∣former warden, professor of law

- 沈伯洋|立法委員、台北大學犯罪學研究所副教授

SHEN Po-yang|Lagislator, Associate Professor of Department of Criminology of NTPU


提問與討論 Q&A


午餐Lunch Break


研討場次二 Seminar 2


Preparation for Re-entry


It is not an easy task for prisoners to return to society after long-term incarceration. It requires careful planning, resources allocation, and the support of the government and the public in order to prepare the prisoners for the re-entry. In this session, the speakers will share Taiwan’s rehabilitation policies and practices, and the audience will hear the experience from the max-secured prison in Germany. The sharing and discussion can serve as an important reference for our future policies and law revisions.


Moderator: HUANG Songlih︱Director of Human Rights Research Center, Covenants Watch; Professor of Public Health Program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University



Rapporteur: HUANG Tzung-min︱Associate Professor of Department of Law, Board member of Taiwan After-care Association



- 陳惠敏︱監所關注小組執行長

CHEN Huimin︱Executive Director, Prison Watch

- 約翰娜.席密德︱德國泰格爾監獄社會治療部門主任

Johanna SCHMID︱Head of the Social Therapeutic Department, Tegel Correctional Facility


提問與討論 Q&A


休息 Break


分組討論 Group Discussion



After the abolition of the death penalty, it will be an important and critical time for social restoration. We understand that some issues may not necessarily have a causal relationship with the retention or abolition of the death penalty, but these are issues of public concern. Through group discussions, we hope to collect the opinions of participants to serve as a reference for future policy initiatives. There are five topics for discussion and participants can join in the group/topic according to their interests. Each group is assisted by a moderator and assistant to facilitate the dialogue. The premise of the discussion is that after the interpretation of the constitution or the abolition of the death penalty, we will consider the concerns and possible solutions from different perspectives (i.e. condemned death row prisoners, crime victims and their families, and the public), as well as issues related to social security such as prevention of recidivism and prison reform.


分組/主題(討論室)Group/Topic (Room):

1. 重刑犯如何回歸社會?更生人可以成為你的鄰居嗎?(國際會議廳)主持/王顥翰,助理/黃奕瑄,紀錄/ 王亦民

How do people committed serious crimes return to society? (Conference Hall)

2. 重大刑案發生後的社會修復(1502研究室)主持/吳奕靜,助理/ 吳昱陞,紀錄/ 黃中昱

Social restoration after major criminal cases (R1502)

3. 釋憲之後如何繼續進行社會溝通?(1701研究室)主持/許恩恩,助理/林怡君,紀錄/彭筱茹

How to continue social communication after the ruling of the Constitution Court? (R1701)

4. 死刑替代方案的各種想像(1702研究室)主持/楊雁絜,助理/謝俊彥,紀錄/江孟真

Alternatives to the death penalty (R1702)

5. 監所如何發揮教化功能?(1703研究室)主持/王昱翔,助理/楊小豌,紀錄/劉佩綺

How does the prison function as a correctional institution? (R1703)





第一天結束Closing for Day 1

Day 2- 2024 年10月6日(日)

時間 Time

議程 Session

講者 Speakers

9:00- 9:30




9:30- 9:40


Recap of Day 1

潘儀PAN Yi︱國際特赦組織台灣分會倡議經理Campaign Manager of Amnesty International Taiwan

9:40- 10:00


Keynote Speech


Aurelie PLACAIS∣Executive Director of World Coalition Against the Death Penalty

10:00- 12:00

研討場次三 Seminar 3


After the Constitutional Litigation


After the ruling made by the Constitutional Court, how will the relevant legislation and regulations be revised? What are possible remedies for the current 37 death row prisoners? More specific steps are to be proposed. The speakers will review the ruling and put forward suggestions for the follow-up of the death penalty constitutional interpretation from the perspectives of criminal law, policy making, legislation and social movements.


Moderator: WENG Kuo-yen︱Attorney-at-law, Board member of TAEDP

報告 Rapporteur:

-徐偉群∣中原大學財法系 副教授

HSU Wei-chun∣Associate Professor of Department of Financial And Economic Law, Chung Yuan Christian University


-錢建榮 律師、前最高法院法官

CHIEN Chien-jung∣Lawyer, Former Judge of the Supreme Court

-范耕維 東華大學法律系副教授

FAN Keng-Wei∣Associate Professor of Department of Law, National Dong Wha University


WANG Wan-Yu | Chair of the New Power Party, Former Legislator of Taiwan

- 林欣怡∣台灣廢死聯盟推動聯盟執行長

LIN Hsinyi∣Executive Director of TAEDP


提問與討論 Q&A


12:00- 13:00

午餐 Lunch Break

13:00- 14:30

研討場次四 Seminar 4


Abolition of the Death Penalty: the Irreversible Path


Abolition of the death penalty is an irreversible global trend. In this session, the experts will share the global progress of abolition, the importance of international human rights conventions in promoting abolition, and their expectations for Taiwan's future. As Taiwan succeeds in abolishing the death penalty, we should also think about how to join hands with the international community to fulfill our global mission of defending the dignity of life and protecting human rights.


主持: 張娟芬︱台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟理事長

Moderator: CHANG Chuan-fen︱Chairperson of TAEDP

與談 Speakers:

- 雷紹爾∣律師、英國死刑專案執行長及共同發起人

Saul Lehrfreund∣Co-founder and Co-Executive Director of The Death Penalty Project

- 高涌誠︱國家人權委員會委員

KAO Yung-cheng︱Commissioner of National Human Rights Commission

- 阿舜塔.畢沃.卡瓦耶︱國際反死刑委員會共同執行長

Asunta Vivó Cavaller︱Co-executive director, International Commission against the Death Penalty, ICDP

提問與討論 Q&A

14:30- 14:40

休息 Break

14:40- 15:00

短片放映Film Screening

隱形的被害人 The Unseen Victims

繼死刑冤案當事人、犯罪被害人家屬的角度,李家驊導演近年從死刑犯的家屬視角切入,探討死刑對家屬帶來的衝擊。當家庭成員中有人遭判死刑,其家人無疑成了隱形的被害人,這樣的「被害人」處境鮮少被理解與看見。本場次將放映 《我的兒子是死刑犯》預告及《我的爸爸是死刑犯》片花。

Following the perspectives of the wrongfully-sentenced death penalty cases and the family members of crime victims, Director LEE Chia-hua has further taken the perspective of family members of death row prisoners to explore the impact of the death penalty on family members. The trailer of "Me and My Condemned Son”and the clip of "Me and My Condemned Father” will be screened at this event.



LEE Chia-hua︱Director, Associate Professor of College of Communication, National Chengchi University

《我的兒子是死刑犯》Me and My Condemned Son, 2020


This film was shortlisted for the 57th Golden Horse Awards and the 22nd Taipei Film Festival for Best Documentary.

《我的爸爸是死刑犯》Me and My Condemned Father


This film is the next documentary directed by Director LEE. The director edited a ten-minute version of the film for the conference.


圓桌論壇 Roundtable

與死刑拔河 Tug of War over the Death Penalty


The next steps and strategies of Taiwan’s abolitionist movement



Moderator: LIN Hsinyi︱Executive Director of TAEDP


- 張娟芬∣台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟理事長

CHANG Chuan-fen∣Chairperson of the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty

- 徐偉群∣中原大學財法系副教授

HSU Wei-chun∣Associate Professor of Department of Financial And Economic Law, Chung Yuan Christian University

- 拉吉甫.納拉彥︱國際反死刑委員會共同執行長

Rajiv NARAYAN︱ Co-executive director, International Commission against the Death Penalty, ICDP

- 吉妮.沃芙德∣美國前典獄長、獄政及矯正政策專家

Jeanne WOODFORD∣former warden, professor of law

- 雷紹爾∣律師、英國死刑專案執行長及共同發起人

Saul LEHRFREUND∣Co-founder and Co-Executive Director of The Death Penalty Project

- 廖琳∣世界反死刑聯盟執行長

Aurelie PLACAIS∣Executive Director of World Coalition Against the Death Penalty


提問與討論 Q&A


音樂 Music



Shannon CHIEH︱Harp Principal of the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan and faculty of National Taiwan Normal University



Chih-Hong TSENG︱The tutti of 1st violin in the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan and teaches at Soochow University Music Department and the other schools.

16:40- 17:00

會議結論&閉幕Conclusion & Closing


LIN Hsinyi ∣ Executive Director, TAEDP


廢死運動夥伴TAEDP partners and supporters


會議結束 Closing of Conference
