千里達與托巴哥(Trinidad & Tobago)恢復死刑的憲法修正案被打回票/ Hanging bill defeated

編按:千里達與托巴哥(Trinidad & Tobago)恢復死刑的憲法修正案被打回票。在千里達與托巴哥,以恢復死刑為目的的法案在2011年2月28日下午被打回票了。票數為29人贊成、11人反對,他們至少需要31票(在眾議院四分之三的票數),才能批准這項修正案。這是另一個在加勒比海地區防堵死刑恢復的重要一步。(編譯:馬克斯)


2011年政府在嘗試通過死刑憲法修正案的過程中接連落敗。此修正案在今天下午兩點四十分在眾議院進行表決。29人贊成、11人反對,沒有棄權票,這個法案需要至少31票的特別多數才能使它通過。政府已做出兩項讓步以獲得反對黨的支持。稍早時候法務部長Prakash Ramadhar說:如果國家行動人民黨(PNM)投下反對票,政府將會改正反對黨所提出的缺失,再提交此法案。同一項法案要六個月後才能再次提交至眾議院。

Hanging bill defeated
Monday 28th February, 2011

Government has been unsuccessful in its attempt to pass The Constitutional (Amendment) (Capital Offences) Bill, 2011.

The vote on the death penalty amendment was taken around 2:40pm today in the House of Representatives.

Twenty nine voted in favour and 11 voted against. There were no abstentions.

To be enacted, the Bill needed a special majority of 31 votes.

The government had made two concessions in the hope of winning the Opposition's support.

Earlier today, Minister of Legal Affairs, Prakash Ramadhar said if the PNM voted against the bill, the government will attempt to correct the faults, as outlined by the Opposition, and bring the bill later.

The bill can only resurface in the House after six months.