MOJ seeks death penalty amendments
2008-03-09 Taipei Times By Rich Chang STAFF REPORTER EFFECTIVE DETERRENT? : The number of...
Anti death penalty campaigners urge the National Peoples’ Congress to take concrete measures to abolish the death penalty in China
PRESS RELEASE Anti death penalty campaigners urge the National Peoples’ Congress to take concrete...
Uzbekistan abolishes the death penalty
烏茲別克斯坦廢除死刑,成為世界上第 135個廢除死或實際上不執行死刑的國家之一 2008-01-11 Amnesty International Press release The trend...
Stop the Death Penalty: the World Decides
Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty Press release on the World Day against Death Penalty...
New Asian anti-death penalty network formed after meeting in Hong Kong
Forun–Asia (Hong Kong, 10 July 2006) A new Asian network against the death penalty was formed...
Moldova abolishes the death penalty in law
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public Statement 5 July 2006 In a letter sent on 5 July to President...
Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty
Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty Mission Statement The Taiwan Alliance to End the Death...
Contact TAEDP
Contact TAEDP Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty Tel: +886-2-27098983 Fax:+886-2-27094482...