International Conference Against the Death Penalty: Life and Death in Taiwan
In the end of year 2014, five years after the passage of the ICCPR and ICESCR in Taiwan, the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP) is going to hold the “International Conference against the Death Penalty: Life and Death in Taiwan”, inviting experts and abolitionists from the U.S., Japan, the U.K., France, Mongolia, China, Malaysia, India, Singapore, S. Korea and Taiwan. The experts will gather to diagnose the symptoms of Taiwan and provide their insights into historical analyses, judgments of capital cases, international laws and constitution, transitional justice and democracy and alternatives to the death penalty. In the meantime, the experts will also share the situations of other countries whether or not the death penalty is still in use.
Time:December 6~7, 2014
Venue:Tsai Lecture Hall, College of Law, National Taiwan University
Organizer:Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty, TAEDP
Chinese-English Simultaneous interpretation
Saturday, December 6
9:00~9:15 Opening remarks
9:15~10:00 Life and Death in Taiwan: Humans, Human Monsters and Those Who Kill the Monsters
Chair:LEE Mau-sheng
Keynote Speaker:HSIEH Yu-wei
10:00~10:10 Break
10:10~12:10 Thesis I:The Past, Present and Future of the Death Penalty in Taiwan
Chair:LI Yang-huan
LEE Chia-wen|Taiwan’s Death Penalty in the Local-Global Dynamics
WENG Kuo-yen |Madness and Trial: Defendants with Mental Disorder in Death Penalty Cases
Discussant:Richard DIETER
12:10~13:00 Lunch
13:00~15:00 Panel I: Stop the State Killing:Transitional Justice and Abolition of the Death Penalty
Chair:CHEN Chun-Hung
TENG Biao、YEH Hung-lin、Batdorj Altantuya、KIM Duk Jin
15:00~15:20 Tea Break
15:20~17:00 Workshop I: Unfair Trials Report II
Chair:WU Jiazhen
Ngeow Chow Ying、Arthur Wilson、Hideki Wakabayashi、Sasanka Sekhar Dev
17:00~18:00 Reports of the TAEDP Fact-Finding Missions in Malaysia, Singapore, Korea and Mongolia
Chair:LIN Hsinyi
Sunday, December 7
9:00~9:40 A Critical Reading of the Judgments of Capital Cases
Chair:HSU Yu-shiow(TBC)
Keynote Speaker:CHANG Chuan-fen
9:45~9:55 Break
9:55~12:10 Thesis II: Public Opinion Survey
Chair:KAO Yung-cheng
CHIU Hei-yuan
Roger HOOD|Abolition of the Death Penalty: Public Opinion and Human Rights
JOU Susyan|The Death Penalty in Taiwan: Value Conflict and Public Ambivalence
Discussant:Richard DIETER
12:10~13:00 Lunch
13:00~14:10 Panel II: International Law and Constitution
Chair:CHIEN Chien Jung
14:10~14:20 Break
14:20~16:00 Panel III: Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Chair:CHEN Yufan
Roger HOOD、WU Chih-Kuang、Aurelie PLACAIS
16:00~16:20 Tea Break
16:20~17:50 Workshop II: Working Towards the Abolition
Chair:LIN Hsinyi
Toshi KAZAMA、Rosa WANG、WENG Li-shu、LEE Chia-Hua
17:50~18:00 Closing / Group Photos
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4. 本活動免費參加,但歡迎自由捐款。
5. 台大法學院霖澤館地圖:
Aurelie PLACAIS(法國)|世界反死刑聯盟(World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, WCADP)專案主任
Batdorj Altantuya阿爾塔(蒙古)|國際特赦組織蒙古分會(AI Mongolia)執行長
Hideki Wakabayashi若林秀樹(日本)|國際特赦組織日本分會(AI Japan)執行長
Kim Duk Jin金德進(韓國)|韓國天主教人權委員會(Catholic Human Rights Committee, Korea)秘書長
Richard DIETER理查德・迪特(美國)|美國死刑資訊中心(Death Penalty Information Center, USA)執行長
Roger HOOD羅吉爾・胡德(英國)|英國牛津大學犯罪學名譽教授及萬靈學院名譽研究員
Sasanka Sekhar Dev(印度)|
Saul LEHRFREUND雷紹爾(英國)|律師、英國死刑專案(Death Penalty Project, UK)執行長
Toshi Kazama風間聰(日本)|攝影師
滕彪TENG Biao(中國)|維權律師
饒兆穎Ngeow Chow Ying(馬來西亞)|亞洲反死刑網絡(Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network, ADPAN)執行委員
王立柔Rosa WANG|風傳媒記者
吳志光WU Chih-Kuang|輔仁大學法律系教授
吳佳臻WU Jiazhen|廢除死刑推動聯盟副執行長、台灣人權促進會執行委員
李仰桓LI Yang-huan|人權學刊編輯、廢除死刑推動聯盟理事
李佳玟LEE Chia-wen|成功大學法律系副教授
李茂生LEE Mau-sheng|台灣大學法律系教授
李家驊LEE Chia-Hua|紀錄片導演
周愫嫻JOU Susyan|台北大學犯罪學研究所教授
林欣怡LIN Hsinyi|廢除死刑推動聯盟執行長、人權公約施行監督聯盟執行委員
翁國彥WENG Kuo-yen|元貞法律事務所律師、台灣人權促進會執委
翁麗淑WENG Li-shu|鷺江國小老師、廢除死刑推動聯盟理事
高涌誠KAO Yung-cheng|元貞法律事務所律師、冤獄平反協會理事
高烊輝KAO Yang-huei|民揚法律事務所律師、台北律師公會人權委員會委員
許玉秀HSU Yu-shiow|前大法官(邀請中)
陳雨凡CHEN Yufan|民間司改會副執行長
陳俊宏CHEN Chun-Hung|東吳大學政治系副教授
張娟芬CHANG Chuan-fen|《無彩青春》、《殺戮的艱難》、《十三姨KTV殺人事件》作者
葉虹靈YEH Hung-lin|台灣民間真相與和解促進會執行長
謝煜偉HSIEH Yu-wei|台灣大學法律系助理教授
錢建榮CHIEN Chien Jung|桃園地院法官
瞿海源CHIU Hei-yuan|廢除死刑推動聯盟顧問、民間司改會董事長